all about goofing around

As many of you know I love taking pictures (no chock there) and I think it doesn´t come as an surprise either that I love taking pictures of myself. Sounds very ego, but it´s actually a lot of fun if you do that with a sense of humor which is something I always try to do when i take pictures of myself. Life gets more fun if you don’t take urself too seriously and this is one of my ”I-don´t-take-myself-too-seriously area where I can allow myself to just go bit bananas. And I can tell u, it is a lot of fun=) actually really fun, because I just do whatever that comes into my mind. There are so many areas in life where you want things to be perfect and I think it´s good for the soul to have an area in ur life where you can loosen up and just relax and have fun, and where things don´t have to be perfect. Whatever perfect is=) I´m usually against perfect, because I find it quite boring, however sometimes it´s good when things are perfect and it also depends on what kind of job you have etc, so I´m not blaming people for trying to do things perfect, but I do think it´s important for people to get a bit relaxed and have more fun with things. Or at least find one area in ur life where u can allor urself to be the opposite of whatever perfect is to u. Taking pictures of myself is def an area where I can just relax and have fun. The goofier the better =)

About 2 weeks ago (a warm Sunday afternoon) I went to a lovely community called Lomma (10 minutes outside of Malmö, just by the ocean) that has a really nice harbour with lots of cute cafés and ice cream stands (they even make their own ice-cream that is btw delicious..) That day I was a bit restless and I wanted to do something creative, so i went there with my camera ready to take many cool pictures and at first (when I had just arrived and had been walking for a while) I thought it was  not the best idea i had. Sometimes going by myself can be a really good idea cus I have so much energy and i feel so good about myself that I don’t mind doing it by myself, however, other times I get very disappointed at myself cus I just feel lonely and then I can´t do any good work etc, but this time I had a really nice afternoon, altho my pictures were´t any good. Sometimes I totally get the right feeling when I take pictures and I feel very confident, and at other times my pictures just fall flat so to speak. Creativity and the good energy coming with it really comes and goes..

So after walking around for a bit taking ”flat” pictures i went to one those cafés that they have at the harbor (a café chain called Espresso house) and I had had already one cappuccino at another café so i didn’t really feel like drinker another one, but luckily there was a wooden deck just outside the café, so i sat down there, opened up my computer and wanted to some writing. And nothing came out. Nothing. I tried that for maybe 20-30 minutes and still nothing. So finally I gave up and decided to take pictures in stead. And that´s when I found the right energy that i had been waiting for!

I realized that taking pictures of myself was quite fun (cus I was feeling really good about myself so I could take the chance of making a fool of myself =)), so that´s what I did for the next 20 minutes or so and it was so much fun. It was a beautiful day too, really nice weather, so sitting outside on the deck was not bad at all…

Here are some of my pictures of me goofing around=)

img_0802 img_0808 img_0813 img_0825 img_0828img_0830 img_0837 img_0838 img_0841img_0800 img_0827 img_0842if you haven´t tried this, I can deeply recommend it, cus it´s a lot of fun, and it puts u in a good mood=)

wish you a happy w end!

warm hugs,
