In Malmö I live very close to the nature and I try to spend as much time there as i possibly can. this spring was so beautiful, it was incredible really. so i took many many many pictures this spring. every time i take pictures of something colorful it puts me in such good mood and I get this huge smile on my face and especially if the photos turn out to be good ones=)
This one is taken just outside my place, on a field that is called Limhamnsfältet, Malmö. I had read this interview from the Norweigan princess who had written a book (together with another Norweigan friend of hers) about angels and the importance of them. and she said that angels always left a sign after them to let us humans know that they have been at that certain place guiding us and helping and supporting us. and one sign is feathers. it can be a small feather, a big one. the size doesn’t matter. as long as its a feather. so everytime I see a feather I smile, becus i know there has been an angel there.
I absolutely love flowers. ok who doesn’t, but they are so beautiful and peaceful. one day when i had been on my daily walk (with the camera in my hand) i saw there were rain drops on the flowers i our garden so I went out there and took alooot of photos of the flowers from different angels. it had rained that night so there was a lot of rain drops left on the flowers which is something I just love! its so pretty I think with rain drops on branches and flowers.
This one is taken in Stockholm when i spent couple of days there this spring. The city was beautiful with all the flowers on the trees. so many pink flowers on the trees everywhere. pink flowers with the blue sky i the background….magnificent! absolutely beautiful!
Im sure u wonder why I choose a picture on food but i just love this picture. it brings out so much positivity I think. so much color but at the same time its calm with the white colors. i love that contrast!
This white color reminds me of snow and christmas. i find that so cool. it looks so crispy I think. its as if u just feel like touching the leafs just to see if its snow or not (which is of course impossible in that time of the year, at least in the south of Skåne, where I live).
Lots of Love/H