express yourself (in a fashionable way)

my love for expressing myself started already as a 3 year old. I was already very determined at that age what I wanted to wear and especially what I did not want to wear. My mum would pick out my outfits for me and lay them on my bed and then I decided whether or not I wanted to wear that outfit. It usually ended with me being not happy with what kind of outfit my mum had chosen for me and then I chose something completely different. This continued for quite some time (well, actually its still like that) and I think it was the start of something great, because I ve always been stubborn that way I guess, I always go my own way, especially when it comes to fashion. And what I love about fashion is the unique way of being able to express yourself. And Ive always loved and having the need to express myself in a unique way.

Here are some photos of me=)







As you can see I really love wearing things on my head or something that makes me feel unique and special. Whether it´s a scarf or a headband or a braid.. It makes me happy wearing unique things. I also believe it makes other people happy too, because everyone I meet always give me a big smile when they see what I´m wearing altho eh moment (whether it is a head piece or a cool outfit).

Ive been told ever since I was a teenager that I have a very unique way of dressing myself and that whatever I wear looks good on me. Ive also been told that people get very inspired when they look at my outfits ( I think it is because I usually wear very colorful outfits). And that always makes me so happy to hear, because I believe the world needs more color and glitter. It can never go wrong wearing colorful clothes (unless you´re on a funeral…but you get the picture=)).

wish you all a beautiful day!

molto amore/
